BBC Learning English: A Website for Computer Assisted Language Learning

BBC Learning English is a department of the BBC World Service devoted to English language teaching. The service provides free resources and activities for teachers and students, primarily through its website.
In this blog, I'll try to test my level in English. There are 3 quiz to find out which programmes are for me.
Score 11-15 Fantastic! It looks like you are almost ready to move on the B2. In this intermediate level quiz, they test us about tenses, suitable sentences, correct sentences, and so on.
Score 11-15 Fantastic! It looks like you are almost ready to move on to C1. In this upper-intermediate level quiz, they also test us about tenses, suitable sentences, correct sentences, and so on. They also give prefix, phrasal verb, and conditional sentences question.
Score 11-15 Fantastic! It looks like you are getting towards native-speaker level! In this upper-intermediate level quiz, they also test us about tenses, suitable sentences, correct sentences, and so on. They also give articles, verb formation, correct expression, and reported speech question.


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